The electrical contractor is the property owner’s trusted contact in all electrical issues. TKF is the contractor’s partner in issues related to power factor correction and power quality.
We provide support with determining the need for compensation, power quality measurements, equipment selection and maintenance. With a detuned filter capacitor bank, the customer can eliminate reactive power fees, while a harmonic filter removes problems caused by harmonics. Our spare parts are suitable for power factor correctors made by TKF as well as many other manufacturers. TKF’s products are easily available from wholesalers with a comprehensive selection of electrical supplies.
In new buildings and sites, the designer has often specified the output and compensation steps of the power factor correctors. TKF offers suitable equipment that is easy to install and commission. If a reservation has been made for the equipment, we help you to check the equipment specification at the end of the electrical contract work. We carry out power quality measurements at both new and existing sites as needed and provide recommendations for measures.